What to expect

  • Step 1: Submit an inquiry

    Head to our “Book Us” page and submit a formal request. We’ll be in touch within 48 hours.

  • Step 2: Select your services

    Hone in on your preferred services. Work with our event planners to ensure the decor, lodging and/or itinerary needs are met.

    We’ll send you a pricing brochure to select specific elements.

  • Step 3: Lock it in

    Confirm Hey Bach as your expert planner by submitting a 50% deposit based on your agreed upon decor & planning services.

  • Step 4: The details

    Depending on your needs, we might need to distribute surveys or additional communications with your guests. You’ll need to choose a party theme which will help to direct our team for gifting needs and/or activity planning.

  • Step 5: Start the party

    We’ll provide a final design deck and you’ll have an opportunity to edit or approve those details within 48 hours. From that point, we will order and book any necessary features.

  • Step 6: PARTY TIME!

    Show up and party! We’ll execute all the agreed upon tidbits to ensure you have the BEST PARTY EVER. We do require the remaining balance at the start of the party.